KBA represents its members at the federal, state and local levels of government and provides a forum for members to consider issues of interest, while maintaining their traditional spirited competition in the marketplace.
The Association also serves as a liaison between the industry, government and the public, serving as a unified voice in legislative and regulatory matters.
KBA’s mission is to promote the development, preservation, operation and general welfare of the refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage industry in our state. KBA represents the commonwealth’s many beverage producers, distributors, franchise companies and support industries.
Together, they bring to market hundreds of brands, flavors and packages, including regular and diet soft drinks, bottled water and water beverages, 100 percent juice and juice drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and ready-to-drink teas.
Connecting Communities
While Kentucky’s beverage companies sell some of the most recognizable brands in the world, perhaps one of their greatest attributes is that our members are integral parts of their community. They are community leaders, volunteer firefighters, little league baseball coaches, among hundreds of other titles. In short, we care about our local communities, because we live there too!
The non-alcoholic beverage industry plays an important role in Kentucky’s economy. Our industry has a direct economic impact of $2.9 billion, provides more than 4,000 jobs and helps to support thousands more that depend, in part, on beverage sales for their livelihoods.
Beverage companies and their employees, as well as the firms and employees indirectly employed by our industry, provide significant tax revenues – more than $291 million at the state level and nearly $329 million at the federal level – and contribute more than $10 million to charitable causes in communities across Kentucky.
Nutrition & Science
Beverages are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet: they quench thirst, provide hydration, and also provide essential vitamins and minerals delivering needed energy to your body. In fact, many of the beverage industry’s products, including bottled water, juices, sports drinks, teas, milk and diet soft drinks can be a catalysts to health and fitness.